Missouri News, News

Audit of Missouri Legislature calls for more transparency

(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., AP) — The Missouri auditor says the Republican-led House and Senate should be more transparent and should stop asking lobbyists for contributions.

Democratic Auditor Nicole Galloway’s office released findings Monday showing some legislative committees didn’t record votes. It says Sunshine Law policies for lawmakers are unclear.

Galloway’s office said the Senate should close a bank account used to solicit lobbyist contributions to buy meals for lawmakers. The audit says a House interim committee asked lobbyists for contributions to pay for a tour bus.

The Senate says it will look for other ways to pay for meals, but it doesn’t see a solution that will work. The House noted representatives failed this year to ban lobbyist-financed travel for lawmakers.

The audit also recommended the House and Senate include whistleblower protections in employee handbooks.

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