(WARRENSBURG, Mo.)—Building Community Through Education, the collaborative effort between Johnson County Habitat for Humanity, University of Central Missouri, and Warrensburg R-VI School District, will feature a building “Blitz Day” from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25 at 628 West Gay Street in Warrensburg.
Blitz Day is an opportunity for the community residents and students to work together in an effort to make building progress on the home for a local family in need of housing. The day will be divided into separate time segments, allowing multiple volunteer groups the opportunity to work on the house. Volunteer forms are located on the website ucmo.edu/habitat/volunteer.cfm. Forms must be completed prior to Blitz Day.
“As we raise the walls and construct the frame for this new home during the Blitz on the 25th, everyone will be able to see the effects of this collaboration, and we hope that this will serve to further enthuse the entire community about the amazing things we can do when we work together,” said Shari Bax, vice president for student engagement and experience at UCM.
There are several items still needed to help build the house. A list of the items can be found on the website ucmo.edu/habitat/volunteer.cfm. To donate any items still needed, contact Bax at bax@ucmo.edu.
Anyone interested in providing meals for the works days should contact Brooke Mannering, Family and Consumer Science teacher at Warrensburg Middle School, at bmannering@warrensburgr6.org. Contact Kristie Brinkley, UCM coordinator of volunteer services, at kbrinkley@ucmo.edu or 660-543-4007 for more information about volunteering.
For more information, visit the website at ucmo.edu/habitat.cfm. Interact with the initiative on social media: facebook.com/BuildThruEd and @BuildThruEd on Twitter.