(WARRENSBURG, Mo.) – The City Council on Monday will continue its discussion on a policy that outlines the use of tax incentives designed to attract new business to town.
The council will review sample financial incentive programs and tax increment financing, a tool designed to reinvest a portion of property and sales tax into a project, during a study session at 6 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be at the Municipal Center, 200 S. Holden St.
The regular council meeting then convenes at 7 p.m. A second reading to adopt the city’s annual operating budget is on the agenda.
In other business, the council will consider a resolution establishing the 2013-2017 five-year Capital Improvement Program, which outlines goals for addressing infrastructure and other citywide projects.
Ordinances set for first and second reading cover contracts with Heartland Waste for the fall citywide bulk waste pickup and citywide brush and limp cleanup, and another to execute a facilities extension agreement with Kansas City Power and Light for the north pump and interceptor force main project.
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