UCM News

Going for gold status: NSSLHA commends UCM chapter

Managing Editor

(WARRENSBURG, Mo., digitalBURG) — A student organization in the communication disorders program received “GOLD” status this year.

PHOTO SUBMITTED BY UCM NSSLHA UCM NSSLHA members pose with their "GOLD" trophy, a reward from NSSLHA for their active membership, philanthropy and advocacy efforts. Pictured from left to right standing, Graduate Representative to Faculty meetings Jonah Lasater; Co-Philanthropic Chair Avery Bowling;  Secretary Olivia Luelf; Vice-President Audra Woodard; Adviser Kim Stewart; President Marissa Nadler;  Social co-chair Stephanie Parlow; Treasurer Megan Riley; and Social co-chair Austee vonAhn.  Seated are Historian Ashley Shipley and Co-Philanthropic Chair Taylor Carmichael.

UCM NSSLHA members pose with their “GOLD” trophy, a reward from NSSLHA for their active membership, philanthropy and advocacy efforts. Pictured from left to right standing, Graduate Representative to Faculty meetings Jonah Lasater; Co-Philanthropic Chair Avery Bowling; Secretary Olivia Luelf; Vice-President Audra Woodard; Adviser Kim Stewart; President Marissa Nadler; Social co-chair Stephanie Parlow; Treasurer Megan Riley; and Social co-chair Austee vonAhn. Seated are Historian Ashley Shipley and Co-Philanthropic Chair Taylor Carmichael.

The National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association gave this achievement to its UCM chapter only once before, in 2011, but the local chapter also earned “SILVER” status in the last three years. These achievements mean the chapter is actively involved in the organization through philanthropy, advocacy and other efforts.

Kim Stewart, faculty adviser for the student organization, said the organization met the requirements to achieve “GOLD,” such as philanthropic work, attendance to Legislative Day and advocacy efforts, not to mention meeting deadlines and filling out the necessary paperwork.

“We’ve worked hard to achieve that,” Stewart said. “There are requirements, and so we knew that we were going to get it so it wasn’t a surprise because we attained all the requirements for the ‘GOLD’ status.”

“We were just excited that we did meet those requirements because sometimes there are glitches with the paperwork in that.”

Stewart said the organization, which has approximately 73 members, is on track for “GOLD” status next year as well.

“We just have a wonderful group of students that are very active,” Stewart said. “They set their goals high and work hard to achieve them.”

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