Story by Jason Strickland, Sports Editor—
The Mules golf team will face Division I opponents at the Mizzou Tiger Intercollegiate Monday and Tuesday in Columbia, Mo.
“It’s a tournament that our guys can go in with a little chip on their shoulder, and go in there and kind of prove that they are just as good as any of those Division I players out there,” said head coach Tim Poe.
It’s the third tournament of the spring. The Mules got 10th at the North Alabama Invitational and a 12th place finish at the Buccaneer Invitational in Miami this past Monday and Tuesday.
“There are just a few rough spots and rusty spots here and there right now,” Poe said.
“Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have those all cleaned up and playing like I know they can.”
Poe said he thinks the team can keep up with some of the Division I schools.
“Looking at the field, I feel like our guys can compete in this tournament,” he said. “I really do.”
After what he has seen so far this spring, Poe said “getting the feel and the touch of their short game back” is what the team needs to do now.
“I think that’s usually what leaves you over the wintertime is your feel and touch,” Poe said.
“Getting that back all in your grasp, it just takes a little longer.”
The tournament is at the Old Hawthorne Golf Club, and the Mules got a first look at it during spring break.
“I think it’s important to get a visual,” Poe said. “It wasn’t important that they go out there and focus on what they are going to hit. Mainly just getting a visual.
“I’ve always thought if you can see it once and just kind of enjoy it and have fun and just get kind of a visual of it, and then when we go over there on Sunday to play our practice round, then we can kind of go through a little bit more of how we will play it.”
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