
Semester displays people who make a difference

Story by ANDY LYONS, News Editor—

As my first semester as news editor comes to a close, one thing has become apparent.

A common theme around campus is  “people that make a difference.”

I have had a lot of opportunities to talk to a wide variety of people, from students to administrators, and I see that this theme is true.

It is hard to stay motivated as a student, but when the people around me are making things happen, it gets easier.

I’ve had the chance to interview people like Coach John Culp, who despite many things going on in his personal life, still has a heart of gold and is genuinely concerned for the people around him.

I’ve also interviewed Tony Monetti, who stepped into his position and hit the ground running trying to put UCM on the map with the new RPA program.

The biggest set of difference makers is the student body.

This semester I’ve talked to more than 30 students in classes, working on projects or sitting around the front doors of the Union standing up to the judgment of evangelists.

Thank you UCM, for giving me plenty to report on during my first semester.  See you in the spring!

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