
SGA opposes new student requirements

Story by KRISTIN GALLAGHER, Business Manager—

SGA continues to oppose the student contract approved by the Board of Governors Feb. 22.

At a meeting of the Senate Tuesday, Student Governor Kyle Shell announced the initiative would take effect in August 2013.

Despite the distaste for the plan, Shell assured the members that there was a lot of planning and research to back up the decision.

“Our research for this program is based on other schools exactly like us,” he said. “They have had great results from this program.”

Still, SGA members are not convinced the new program is the right move for UCM. They noted that for some students, taking 15 credit hours a semester could be overwhelming, especially if those students have to keep a job as well.

They also pointed out that some students may not have the money to live on campus for two years, and that the dorms are viewed by a lot of students as a poor experience.

“I have talked to [a few] parents of incoming freshmen. They are excited about this program,” said Beth Rutt, director of student activities. “If they can get their kids out with a degree in four years instead of five, they would rather do that.”

However, SGA announced in its meeting that a petition will be started to gather support from other students opposed to the change.

They will include the new plan and its provisions with the petition in hopes of providing the student body with an informed voice for the Board of Governors to hear.

Still, the initiative has already been approved and these changes will undoubtedly take place as planned, whether or not the students’ voices are heard.

“The Board of Governors will do what is best for the University,” Shell said.

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