
Spotlight brings new “Coffeehouse” music performances to UCM

The keys of a piano were heard tinkling while UCM students gathered in the atrium for Spotlight’s first ever Coffeehouse night. 

The smell of popcorn and Starbucks coffee drifted through the room while the crowd patiently waited for two brothers from Florida, going by The Icarus Account, to take the stage. Quiet whispers filled the space until the first string from an acoustic guitar was plucked.

The Icarus Account is an acoustic-pop duo made up of twin brothers, Ty and Trey Turner, who first started making music in their college dorm and later went on to audition for “The Voice.” 

Throughout their hour-long performance, the duo played a mix of original songs and upbeat pop and folk covers that had students singing and clapping along.

Their performance is the first of many live music events planned for UCM Spotlight’s Coffeehouse program. 

Brittany Gist, special events coordinator for Spotlight, arranged the show in hopes to make it a bigger event on campus. 

“We wanted to dip our toes into exploring live music on campus and so we said let’s start small, let’s start with small, cool vibes. Get some coffee and do some fun stuff like that,” said Gist.

She later explained that when they asked the campus Starbucks to help with the event, they volunteered to open the station and sell drinks for the event. 

Spotlight will host Coffeehouse events once a month through the end of the spring semester, where they will bring more musical groups in to perform for UCM students. 

The next Coffeehouse event is scheduled for March 10th in the atrium of the Union at 7 p.m.

You can find more Spotlight events on Twitter @UCMSPOTLIGHT or on the Spotlight page on UCM’s website. 

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