Brains, bugs, worms and other creepy crawling critters tested the limits of students.
The Spotlight held an event based off the TV show, “Fear Factor” Friday in the Elliott Student Union.
“Fear Factor” was a show hosted by Joe Rogan that aired on NBC from 2001-2006 and returned in 2011-2012, according to the NBC website. The show had its contestants test their limits and face their fears while competing with others.
Several stations were set up in the union where the students had to pick live worms out of the dirt with their teeth, reach in ice-cold water to see how many marbles they could get out before it got unbearably cold and shuffle through dog food with their teeth to remove the plastic spiders and bugs.
Once a student completed a station, a Spotlight member would sign their sheet and give them raffle tickets for a raffle at the end of the event.
“I heard about this event through a lot of the flyers I’ve seen around from Spotlight and the Office of Student Activities,” said Alicia Resch, senior elementary education major.
Smiles lit up the rooms of Union 237 A&B as students challenged themselves and their friends to see what they could endure. Freshman sports management major Devin Reeves even ate a live worm to earn more raffle tickets.
“I actually grew up watching ‘Fear Factor’ with my dad, and I really wanted to try a college version of it and see what it felt like,” Resch said.

Brain cake being served at the Spotlight Fear Factor event for students to snack on.
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