UCM art and design department celebrates history with book signing
Rich Monson, an author of the book “Art and Design At Central,” signs a copy of the book as attendees mingle with each other and former art and design department faculty at the book signing Thursday, Feb. 1, in the Art Center.
From left, Rich Monson, an author of the book “Art and Design At Central,” shakes the hand of Gersham Nelson, major gift officer of the Smiser Alumni Center, Feb. 1 during Monson’s book signing in the Art Center.
Monson converses with an attendee at the signing. Monson co-authored the book with former University of Central Missouri faculty that assisted with research and the writing process. Co-authors include Monson’s long-time colleagues and emeriti faculty: Richard Luehrman, George Sample, Jerry Miller, Leroy McDermott and Neva Wood.
Amber Clifford-Napoleone, director the McClure Archives and University Museum, has a book signed by Monson for the museum. The book utilizes faculty testimonies and archives from the McClure museum to discuss the history of the art and design department from its founding in 1871 to expansion in the 1950s and 60s.
Gersham Nelson, left, talks with Leroy McDermott, one of the co-authors of “Art and Design at Central.” Nelson encouraged the documentation of the art department’s history, according to a UCM press release.
Richard Luehrman, co-author and former Art and Design director, left, signs a copy with former student Larry Haase.
George Sample, a co-author who taught in the art and design department from 1962 to 1998, signs a book for a former student. “We had a faculty that was the most amiable you could work with,” Sample said after signing the book.
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