Senior Writer
(WARRENSBURG, Mo., digitalBURG) — Warrensburg’s Holden and Pine Streets Commercial Historic District may soon become part of the National Register of Historic Places.

The Holden and Pine Streets Commercial Historic District stretches from the Johnson County Justice Center to Warrensburg’s historic train depot.
A nomination to add the district to the register came Wednesday, Aug. 17, during a public meeting.
Stephanie Yates, owner of Rudy’s Frame Shop & Gallery, said it would be good for business in the long run if the nomination gets accepted on the finalized register in 2017.
“I hope it brings a draw for the community to have something else to come to Warrensburg for,” Yates said.
Rachel Barnhart, historic preservation specialist from Rosin Preservation, described the nomination process, the qualifications of a historic district and the benefits for the store owners and local community at the Municipal Center of Warrensburg during the meeting Wednesday.
“The national register is an honorary list of the nation’s cultural resources,” Barnhart said. “It can be buildings, structures, sites, objects and districts.”
Barnhart said that although the registry is national, the historic places on it are not required to have national significance if they are important at the local level.
“The national park service at the federal level is what administers the national register,” Barnhart said. “They do this to coordinate support: public and private efforts to preserve and protect historic resources.
“It’s about recognizing the important characteristics of historic properties and then making sure that there are ways to continue to use these properties and keep them contributing to their communities.”

Warrensburg’s Holden and Pine Streets Commercial Historic District was nominated to be added to the National Register of Historic Places Wednesday, Aug. 17, during a public meeting.
Barnhart said to be nominated locations have to be at least 50 years old and have significance in a particular area, such as patterns of history, patterns of development, connection to an important person or significant architectural style.
The Johnson County Courthouse was previously listed in the national register in April 1994 for its architecture and contribution to county government. The Masonic Temple was also added to the list in 1998 for its significance to social history and association with the Freemasons.
“Many buildings stand out and exemplify why this is a good district,” Barnhart said. “The railroad depot was an important factor to any town’s success. Being a railroad stop could make or break a town, and it creates a commercial hub for the surrounding area.”
Missouri business owners of national register buildings are eligible for 25 percent of rehabilitation expenses for renovations or qualifying improvements, according to the preservation pamphlet.
The next meeting for updates and progress is scheduled for 4 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Municipal Center on Holden Street.
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