UCM News

Survey measures progress toward tobacco-free campus

(WARRENSBURG, Mo.) –The University of Central Missouri in January 2014 implemented a new policy that prohibits use of tobacco on campus.  To help measure progress, the Tobacco Policy Implementation Team is administering a survey during the week of April 14, and all faculty, staff and students are encouraged to respond.

The survey is intended to provide feedback concerning the way the policy has been received by UCM faculty, staff, and students; the promotion of the policy (has promotion been adequate); and how comfortable people are in talking about the policy to tobacco users.  It is an eight-statement survey to which people can rate their agreement/disagreement.  It takes about 1-2 minutes to complete. To complete the online survey, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TobaccoFreePolicyUCMsurvey.

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