Missouri News, News

Family sues Missouri boys ranch after couple killed

(ALENA, Mo., AP) — The family of a Michigan couple who were killed in southwest Missouri by two boys who escaped from a juvenile rehabilitation camp is suing the camp.

The lawsuit alleges the camp, Lives Under Construction, didn’t adequately supervise the teenagers and didn’t properly alert authorities and neighbors when the two escaped in 2013.

Anthony Zarro and Christopher Allen are serving life sentences for the deaths of Paul and Margaret Brooks. The boys burglarized the Brooks’ summer home near Lampe and beat and stabbed them to death.

The Springfield News-Leader reports (http://bit.ly/2aFbQii ) the family is suing the ranch, its board members and its employees.

An attorney for the ranch says employees are sympathetic to the family but its employees and board of directors are not responsible for the couple’s deaths.


Information from: Springfield News-Leader, http://www.news-leader.com

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