Missouri News, News

St. Louis TV reporter arrested at Kinloch meeting

(KINLOCH, Mo., AP) — A St. Louis TV reporter faces charges in the town of Kinloch after being handcuffed and shackled following questions about why a camera was barred from a meeting.

The incident happened Thursday. KTVI-TV reporter Chris Hayes was released after being issued court summonses for disorderly conduct and failure to comply. He faces a September court date.

The meeting concerned the possibility of contracting for police services. KTVI-TV said in a recent report that Kinloch’s three patrol cars are not covered by insurance. City Manager Justine Blue says no decision was made.

Hayes was arrested when he tried to bring a TV camera into the meeting.

The station aired video showing an officer handcuffing Hayes, and him shackled to a holding bench after questioning police about why the camera wasn’t allowed.

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