Missouri News, News

Teacher already accused of sexual misconduct accused again

(DONIPHAN, Mo., AP) — A former southeast Missouri teacher already accused of sexually assaulting one female student is now accused of sexual contact with another.

The Poplar Bluff Daily American Republic (http://bit.ly/1COCxBR ) reports that 53-year-old John Franklin Mullins was charged Friday with two counts of sexual contact with a student on public school property. Prosecutors allege that Mullins touched a 15-year-old girl inappropriately on the Naylor High School campus on Oct. 21.

Mullins is jailed on $50,000 bond. His attorney, Daniel Moore, says Mullins denies allegations in both cases.

Mullins was already facing rape and sodomy charges for allegedly assaulting another student Oct. 23 at the school. Authorities say it was during that investigation that they learned of the second victim.

Mullins taught science at the school before resigning last year.


Information from: Daily American Republic, http://www.darnews.com

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