Missouri News, News

Union leaders criticize Kansas City police chief for remarks

(KANSAS CITY, Mo., AP) — Kansas City’s police chief is taking some criticism from area police union leaders for his recent comments about shootings of black men by officers.

Chief Darryl Forte told The Kansas City Star (http://j.mp/2awJiUp ) that there’s “an issue with too many African-American men being killed by police officers,” and that he feels part of the problem is “unreasonable fear,” as well as poor training.

Kansas City, Kansas, police union leader Scott Kirkpatrick, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 4, responded in an open letter posted online Wednesday, pointing to recent deaths in the line of duty of two Kansas City, Kansas, police officers. He says the fear is real.

Forte stood by his comments, which he says can be best understood in the context of the whole interview.


Information from: The Kansas City Star, http://www.kcstar.com

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