
What does Tuesday, Nov. 6 mean to you?

By JAMES PATTEN (WARRENSBURG, MO., digitalBURG) – Following journalistic tradition, a group of University of Central Missouri media scholars, led by Dr. Carol Atkinson and Matt Bird-Meyer, Muleskinner adviser, went about the community to record the answer to a single question, “What does Tuesday, Nov. 6 mean to you?”

The answers, some solemn, others funny, all heartfelt are featured in the following digitalBURG video, shot and produced by graduate student videographers Josh Lewin, Abdulrahman Al Ghanem and Nicole Grider. With assistance from interviewers Benjamin Ellis, John Peterson and James Patten, the video was captured in various locations around Warrensburg, from Ridge View Elementary School and the Warrensburg Senior Center to the local skateboard park and UCM classrooms.

Elections are part of the fabric of life in America. Unlike other parts of the world where citizens proudly display inked thumbs as a sign of voting, we in the United States do our civic duty and then go about our business. In a nation where Election Day is not a holiday but just another Tuesday in November, the dichotomy between choosing a president and getting a hair cut becomes a central theme in this exploration of community.

“What does Tuesday, Nov. 6 mean to you?” A day in the life of Warrensburg, Mo.

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